New project at Political Cognition Lab!

Dr. Marta Marchlewska was awarded a grant by the Ministry of Education and Science!

We are pleased to announce that we will soon be launching a new research project over at the Political Cognition Lab, Institute of Psychology Polish Academy of Sciences. Funding was awarded from a programme of the Ministry of Education and Science - Science for the Society. The project is titled "Polishness in the XXIst century. Types of national identification, their roots and consequences". It aims to fill the gap in scientific knowledge about how individuals identify with their nation. We will check how to promote values leading to harmony both within, as well as outside of one's national group. Special attention will be drawn to the role that specific types of national identity play in the way people perceive their nation, their co-citizens, and the citizens of other countries. The final result of the project will be a documentary illustrating different facets of contemporary Polishness. Stay tuned for more information!
