Research and analysis

  • Quantitative (social research using diverse techniques: survey, segmentation, experimental design, longitudinal design, experience sampling, social media data analysis; e.g. Twitter). We conduct different analyses depending on the chosen research problem (simple frequencies and parametric/non-parametric tests, correspondence analysis, correlations, regressions, and structural equation modelling). We demonstrate expert knowledge of different software for statistical analysis (e.g., IBM SPSS, the R family package, AMOS, MPLUS, and many more). We rely on well-known and well-tested measurement tools, but we also create our own if need be, addressing specific problems from the social world.

  • Qualitative (IDIs, FGIs, ethnography).
    We design our own tools and materials, also using projection techniques, tailored to the topic of a given research project. We analyze the empirical data gathered during the project using different approaches, depending on the topic and research questions. The most frequently applied type of analysis is thematic analysis, allowing to access in-depth knowledge on socially important topics. We use software for qualitative data analysis, e.g., MAXQDA.

Apart from our experience in conducting research on national (Polish and foreign) samples, we know how to carry out a project among smaller, narrowly defined groups, such as minorities (e.g., LGBTQ+), religious communities, young adults, children, people with multiple sclerosis. We are open to conduct research and propose potential solutions to social problems affecting both wide, as well as narrow groups.

Examples of cooperation areas

  • Academic research

  • Social research  (e.g., large-sample surveys, in-depth individual interviews) 

  • Market research

  • Reports

  • Analyses (statistical, social)

  • Expert advice

  • Social diagnosis

  • Academic activity

If you are looking for co-workers or simply someone, who will carry out a reliable research project tailored to your needs, allowing you to draw firm conclusions and identify the best solutions – reach out to us!
