"Polishness" film premiere

Only 3 days remain till the premiere of "Polishness" a documenatry! Check out the new trailer!

Starting from 8:30 pm on May 23rd 2024, the film will become available at our YouTube channel: Political Cognition Lab

Film producers:

dr hab. Marta Marchlewska, prof. IP PAN, dr Dagmara Szczepańska, dr Marta Rogoza, dr hab. Radosław Rogoza, prof. AEH, Zuzanna Molenda, Dominika Adamczyk, Michalina Szczęsna

Screenplay and directing: Paweł Nazaruk (DogFilm Studio Filmowe)

Directing assistance: Arkadiusz Bartosiak (DogFilm Studio Filmowe)

Partners and media patronage:



Fundacja Nowej Wspólnoty


Kino Bielsk Podlaski

The project "Polishness in the XXI century. Types of national identity, their foundations and consequences" is financed through the Science for Society programme of the Polish Ministry of Education and Science, project number NdS/529303/2021/2022, total funding - 1 714 305,00 total value of the project - 1 714 305,00.
