Dagmara Szczepańska, PhD

Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences; Maria Grzegorzewska University


Doctor of Sociology, Latin Americanist and lecturer at the Maria Grzegorzewska University, graduate of the University of Warsaw (Latin American Studies) and the University of Oxford (Modern Languages French and Spanish). Wrote a PhD thesis on the role of women's organizations in mobilizing resources for the Argentinian women's movement between 2015 and 2020.

Her research interests include different forms of political behaviour, such as women’s movements, citizen participation and collective action. She is also researches different social-psychological concommittants of group identification and sexism toward both women and men.

Full list of published works can be found at Dagmara Szczepańska's Google Scholar page.

Chosen published papers


Łowicki, P., Marchlewska, M., Molenda, Z., Karakula, A., & Szczepańska, D. (2022). Does religion predict coronavirus conspiracy beliefs? Centrality of religiosity, religious fundamentalism, and COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs. Personality and individual differences187, 111413.


Rogoza, M., Marchlewska, M., & Szczepańska, D. (2022). Why dark personalities participate in politics? Personality and Individual Differences, 186, Part A, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2021.111319


Cislak, A., Marchlewska, M., Wojcik, A. D., Śliwiński, K., Molenda, Z., Szczepańska, D., & Cichocka, A. (2021). National narcissism and support for voluntary vaccination policy: The mediating role of vaccination conspiracy beliefs. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations24(5), 701–719. https://doi.org/10.1177/1368430220959451


Szczepańska, D. (2020). The Power of Mass Mobilisation: Argentina's Struggle for the Legalisation of Abortion. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 39 (5), 567-581.