Marta Rogoza, PhD

Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences

Holds a PhD in Social Sciences, in the field of Psychology, from the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw since 2018. Currently also a lecturer at the Institute of Psychology of that University. She has gained research experience while working in various teams carrying out research projects (financed by the National Science Centre and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education): at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Research on Development and Personality PERSONALITAS (Institute of Psycholgy, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University).  Her research interests include mainly the psychology of personality, especially the broadly defined traits personality structure in childhood and adolescence, the "dark" aspects of personality and psychological measurement. Out of hours a mother of two sons - twins, a wife to Radek and a keeper to Kiara i Masza.

Full list of Marta Rogoza's published works can be found at her Google Scholar pages: Marta Maćkiewicz and Marta Rogoza.


Chosen published papers



Rogoza, M.  Marchlewska, M., & Szczepańska, D. (2022). Why dark personalities participate in politics? Personality and Individual Differences, 186, Part A,


Rogoza, R., Żemojtel-Piotrowska, M., Rogoza, M., Piotrowski, J., & Wyszyńska, P. (2016). Narcissistic admiration and rivalry in the context of personality metatraits. Personality and Individual Differences, 102, 180–185. doi: 0.1016/j.paid.2016.07.003


Maćkiewicz, M., Cieciuch, J. (2016). Pictorial Personality Traits Questionnaire for Children (PPTQ-C) - A new measure of children’s personality traits. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(498), 1-11. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00498


Rogoza, R., Wyszyńska, P., Maćkiewicz, M., & Cieciuch, J. (2016). Differentiation of the two narcissistic faces in their relations to personality traits and basic values. Personality and Individual Differences, 95, 85–88. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.02.038