Oliwia Maciantowicz, PhD

Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences; Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw


Holds a Ph.D. in social sciences - in the discipline of psychology. Works at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw and is passionate about the statistics and methodology courses she teaches. She has gained research experience at the Intelligence – Cognition  Emotion Lab (Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw), in the works of which she is still engaged at present. Oliwia's research interests include narcissism, emotions, and behaviors, especially aggressive ones. Head of Preludium and Sonata research projects, in which she focuses on the different aspects of emotion regulation in narcissism and the role of specific emotions and attitudes in tendencies to express hostility and aggression.

A full list of publications can be found on her profile on Google Scholar.


Most important publications include:



Zajenkowski, M, Rogoza, R., Maciantowicz, O., Witowska, J., Jonason, P. (2021). Narcissus locked in the past: Vulnerable narcissism and the negative views of the past. Journal of Research in Personality, 104123


Kalowski, P., Szymaniak, K.,Maciantoiwcz, O. (2021). Exploring the links between trait anger, self-reported sarcasm use, and narcissism. Advances in Cognitive Psychology



Maciantowicz, O., Zajenkowski, M. (2020). Emotional Experiences in Vulnerable and Grandiose Narcissism: Anger and Mood in Neutral and Anger Evoking Situations. Self and Identity 1–26
Maciantowicz, O., Zajenkowski, M. (2018). Is narcissistic anger fueled by neuroticism? the relationship between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism, neuroticism, and trait anger. Current Psychology