Radosław Rogoza, PhD

Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Psychology, Cardinal Wyszynski University; University of Lleida


Assistant professor at the Institute of Psychology of the Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw, post doc at the University of Lleida. Personally, I am the father of twins – Ignacy and Antoni, husband to Marta and owner of Kiara & Masha. I have directed several grants funded by the Polish National Science Center and been awarded with international (Early Career Award 2021; ISSID, Emerging Scholar Award 2020; ARP, Top Peer Reviewer Award 2019; Publons) as well as national prizes (FNP START, Robert Zajonc award; PSPS, Piotr Jaśkowski award; KMLF; MEiN scholar). Author of over 60 articles published in scientific journals with IF. Professionally, I am particularly interested in researching topics related to the area of personality (especially its dark sides), but also in psychological assessment.


The list of all my published works can be found at:
